Retail Stores: +359 2 816-49-34,35,36,37; fax: 988-01-00 | Office: +359 2 816-49-10, 15; fax: 816-49-16 -» more...
How to use - site map

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The site is maintained on a daily basis and supports 2 languages - Bulgarian and (partially) English.
To "translate" given page - click the national flag icon in the top right corner of every page.

site map:
directly from the index page you can access the following sections:

  • PROFILE - short info about our company and activity;
  • CONTACTS - street address, phones, bank accounts, staff contacts;
  • PARTNERS - a short presentation of our international partners;
  • DEALERS - contact information about our local dealers in Bulgaria;
  • PRODUCTS - product categories, shortcuts to prices / additional information regarding our products;
  • DOWNLOADS - useful documents and programs you can download;
  • PÑ CONFIGURATOR - on-line application for rapid configuration of computer / surveillance systems;
  • SITE MAP - this page;
  • SERVICE ORDERS - information about our service system plus ability for on-line order tracking;
  • USER FEEDBACK - comments and recommendations from the visitors;
  • FORUMS - on-line forums - thanks to the amazing work from phpBB;
  • NEWS @ COMELSOFT - news from our company - events and products;
  • SEARCH - for searching our products database;
  • CURRENCY INFORMATION - current and former currency levels - USD, EUR, CHF;
  • PRICE LISTS - shortcuts to our price lists in different formats - .XLS | .PDF | HTML;
  • QUICK SHORTCUTS - shortcuts to surveillance systems information (only in Bulgarian), Bulgarian IT companies and IT press;
  • ACTIVITY STATISTICS - detailed information about the activity of our visitors
  • E-MAIL NEWS - if you want to be notified by e-mail for all new products and services
  • COMELSOFT WIKI - comelsoft WiKi containing a lot of useful tips & tricks and other information
  • JOBS - job positions available at our company
Copyright ©: 1997-2024, Comel Soft Multimedia, Ltd.
Use with IE 5.x, Netscape 6.x, Mozilla 1.x, Opera 5x and above; 800x600 and higher
system status: you are visitor 927,126 since 02.08.2001 - show stats | products count: 2,926
L A M P site | webDev by V. Vassilev